Krrb.com Made in America - West Blog
We’ve reached our final leg on the Made in America tour! After checking in on our neighbors in the Northeast, South, and Midwest, it’s time to let the western states shine. From established traditions being passed down to modern day, to new innovations in handmade products, these businesses will help you kiss big-name shopping goodbye.
Artists can have difficulty finding an initial following, which is why they often need to band together to get their work out there. That’s the thinking behind MADE, a collective of artisan repurposed, handmade and one-of-a-kind goods. Delicate gold necklaces are stocked next to handmade leather wallets and something magical called pig candy. If you can’t stop by the store, you can still support local artists by browsing through their extensive online shop. And with a collection of handmade cards and decorative bags, you can get all of your holiday gifting done in one place!